Locus Amoenus
Curated by Sophie Goodchild and Sam Hanner
Exhibiting Artists: Camilla Bliss, Enorê, Luca George, Sophie Goodchild, Luey Graves, May Hands and Sam Hanner
The Function Suite, Stratford, London
In places in the exhibition, the anthropogenic impulse fictionalises the potential creation of new land, rich in nutrients and hope, through draining of the wild wetlands, ordering the mass of marsh into a grid of fields and ditches to feed the harmonious island communes. All at the expense of the many other dimensions of life-forms.
Elsewhere the exhibition is taken over by the agency of the amphibian or the processes of formation at work in the sodden bogs of soil and clay. As Eutrophication leads to the build up of algae the surface of the swamp seems to turn to a solid green plane, enchanting the people that tentatively push through this place.
Through the swamping of this land the water extracts minerals from the geology and, in turn, plants absorb minerals from the water. We read the plants to make contact with the rock. We read the rock through the medium of water. We read the work through the ecology of the swamp.
We invite six artists to respond to the idea of exhibition as swamp; drained and swamped and drained again. Where microbial communities meet there is a transition into both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Nutrients are traded and recycled, and where it may seem stagnant, slow processes occur and bubbles begin to collect.
All photography by Sam Hanner

Bellarmine’s Hereafter, 3d printed porcelain, glaze, bronze, moss, dimensions variable, 2021, Sophie Goodchild

Locus Amoenus, Install Shot, The Function Suite, Stratford, London, 2021 (Left to right) Borremose, watercolour and oil on panel, 76 x 61cm 2021, Luey Graves Mary of the Swamp, watercolour on paper, 42 x 29.5cm, 2020, Luey Graves Bellarmine’s Hereafter, 3d printed porcelain, glaze, bronze, moss, dimensions variable, 2021, Sophie Goodchild Sediments, stoneware, black crank clay, glaze and glass, 5 x 33 x 18.5cm, 2021 Salt Pools, stoneware, black crank clay, glaze and glass, 4 x 20cm x 16cm, 2021 Fragment/Blue Pool, stoneware, terracotta crank clay, glaze and glass, 3 x 5 x 15cm, 2021, May Hands Fen - Golden Bud, acrylic on board, 260 x 80 cm, 2021, Sam Hanner Wherefore Art Tho, 3D printed Apple, balsa wood, dimensions variable, 2021, Luca George Vessel 2 (to hold a digital file), 3D ceramic print, 25 x 15 x 10 cm, 2020, Enorê FEN, Video, 00:30:51, 2021, Sam Hanner Clarty Vessel, stoneware, black crank clay, glaze and glass,6.5cm x 36cm x 34cm, 2021, May Hands Untitled, 3D ceramic print, 19 x 22 x 18 cm, 2020, Enorê

Untitled, 3D ceramic print, 19 x 22 x 18 cm, 2020, Enorê

Untitled, 3D ceramic print, 22 x 22.5 cm, 2020, Enorê

Between Turf-Face and Demesne Wall, watercolour and oil on panel, 61 x 42.5cm, 2021

Sediments, stoneware, black crank clay, glaze and glass, 5 x 33 x 18.5cm, 2021 Salt Pools, stoneware, black crank clay, glaze and glass, 4 x 20cm x 16cm, 2021 Fragment/Blue Pool, stoneware, terracotta crank clay, glaze and glass, 3 x 5 x 15cm, 2021, May Hands

Locus Amoenus, Install Shot, The Function Suite, Stratford, London, 2021 (Left to right) FEN, Video, 00:30:51, 2021, Sam Hanner Untitled, 3D ceramic print, 19 x 22 x 18 cm, 2020, Enorê Clarty Vessel, stoneware, black crank clay, glaze and glass,6.5cm x 36cm x 34cm, 2021, May Hands Bellarmine’s Hereafter, 3d printed porcelain, glaze, bronze, moss, dimensions variable, 2021, Sophie Goodchild Pockets, stoneware, black crank clay, glaze and glass, 3cm x 13cm x 13cm, 2021, May Hands Drawing in Water, 3d printed resin, diffuser, aquarium gravel, 28 x 28 x 25cm, 2021, Camilla Bliss

Detail of: Wherefore Art Tho, 3D printed Apple, balsa wood, dimensions variable, 2021, Luca George

Locus Amoenus, Install Shot, The Function Suite, Stratford, London, 2021 (Left to right) Bellarmine’s Hereafter, 3d printed porcelain, glaze, bronze, moss, dimensions variable, 2021, Sophie Goodchild Between Turf-Face and Demesne Wall, watercolour and oil on panel, 61 x 42.5cm, 2021, Luey Graves Untitled, 3D ceramic print, 22 x 22.5 cm, 2020, Enorê Borremose, watercolour and oil on panel, 76 x 61cm 2021, Luey Graves Mary of the Swamp, watercolour on paper, 42 x 29.5cm, 2020, Luey Graves

Detail of: Sediments, stoneware, black crank clay, glaze and glass, 5 x 33 x 18.5cm, 2021 Salt Pools, stoneware, black crank clay, glaze and glass, 4 x 20cm x 16cm, 2021 Fragment/Blue Pool, stoneware, terracotta crank clay, glaze and glass, 3 x 5 x 15cm, 2021, May Hands

Clarty Vessel, stoneware, black crank clay, glaze and glass, 6.5cm x 36cm x 34cm, 2021, May Hands

Detail of: Bellarmine’s Hereafter, 3d printed porcelain, glaze, bronze, moss, dimensions variable, 2021, Sophie Goodchild

Vessel 2 (to hold a digital file), 3D ceramic print, 25 x 15 x 10 cm, 2020, Enorê

Drawing in Water, 3d printed resin, diffuser, aquarium gravel, 28 x 28 x 25cm, 2021, Camilla Bliss

Sediments, stoneware, black crank clay, glaze and glass, 5 x 33 x 18.5cm, 2021 Salt Pools, stoneware, black crank clay, glaze and glass, 4 x 20cm x 16cm, 2021 Fragment/Blue Pool, stoneware, terracotta crank clay, glaze and glass, 3 x 5 x 15cm, 2021, May Hands

Detail of: Bellarmine’s Hereafter, 3d printed porcelain, glaze, bronze, moss, dimensions variable, 2021, Sophie Goodchild

Install shot: Between Turf-Face and Demesne Wall, watercolour and oil on panel, 61 x 42.5cm 2021, Luey Graves Untitled, 3D ceramic print, 22 x 22.5 cm, 2020, Enorê

Untitled, 3D ceramic print, 19 x 22 x 18 cm, 2020, Enorê

Wherefore Art Tho, 3D printed Apple, balsa wood, dimensions variable, 2021, Luca George

Pockets, stoneware, black crank clay, glaze and glass, 3cm x 13cm x 13cm, 2021, May Hands

Install shot: (Left to Right) FEN, Video, 00:30:51, 2021, Sam Hanner Clarty Vessel, stoneware, black crank clay, glaze and glass, 6.5cm x 36cm x 34cm, 2021, May Hands Untitled, 3D ceramic print, 19 x 22 x 18 cm, 2020, Enorê

Detail of: Wherefore Art Tho, 3D printed Apple, balsa wood, dimensions variable, 2021, Luca George

Detail of: Bellarmine’s Hereafter, 3d printed porcelain, glaze, bronze, moss, dimensions variable, 2021, Sophie Goodchild

Detail of: Locus Amoenus, The Function Suite, Stratford, London, 2021